Today We Remember
It's Memorial Day Monday, and many people are enjoying a day off in remembrance of those who sacrificed dearly to preserve our freedoms. ...
Don’t Be Caught Dead In The Water!
Dead men tell no tales - so liven up matey! Hurry up and down that cup of joe! It’s Monday and prime time to showcase a new coffee mug. ...
Words To Live By
Monday mornings are the worst. I am willing to go so far as to say that even morning people don't like Monday mornings. Monday mornings...
My Coffee ~ The Muddier The Better, Like It Was Poured From An Oil Pan
Yes, I like my coffee black. No frills. Lip smacking bitter. A coffee that makes one’s taste buds fight back. Most mugs these days...
Pick Your Poison
Mondays are often a dread to face and we may need something a little more potent to get through our day. What better vessel for our...
WED Enterprises and My Coffee Laden Connection to Walter Elias Disney
Walt Disney Imagineering. The embodiment of the finest creative minds and talent that have brought us our beloved Disney parks and...
Good morning. If it is a good morning... which I doubt. ~Eeyore
Monday mornings. Monday - here we go again. I can’t believe it’s Monday already. I can’t stand Mondays. Not another Monday. Mondays,...
Mornings are my worst Nightmare.
My personal go-to mug. That mug, that I prefer day in and day out. Equal parts nostalgic appeal and functional convenience. It’s...